Waldor Orchid
David's (Orchid Nerd) Orchid Tips: The Importance of Proper Fertilizing
Posted by Dave Off OrchidNerd.Com on

Fertilizer plays an important role in maintaining your orchid. But before you run to the store to make a purchase and find yourself overwhelmed with the abundance of different options available, let’s dig a little deeper into the fundamentals of fertilizer. Each fertilizer product advertises three numbers on the front of its package. These numbers actually provide great understanding as to what the fertilizer will do.
Superthrive is an amazing vitamin and hormone supplement.
Posted by Dave Off OrchidNerd.Com on

"Absolutely miraculous!" Superthrive is an amazing vitamin and hormone supplement that has long been known by experts as the worlds #1 plant supply. Not a fertilizer. Combine with fertilizer to stimulate amazing results. Used by growers for decades... Why? Because it helps everything grow!
David’s Monthly Orchid Tips Water and Summer Heat
Posted by Dave Off OrchidNerd.Com on

In these “dog days of Summer”, your orchids will need extra water. If your plants are outside or they’re in a greenhouse they will need to be sprayed down almost daily (this depends on the amount of rain you get) when the temperature reaches the mid to upper 90’s.