David’s Monthly Orchid Tips Water and Summer Heat
Posted by Dave Off OrchidNerd.Com on

Water and Summer Heat
In these “dog days of Summer”, your orchids will need extra water. If your plants are outside or they’re in a greenhouse they will need to be sprayed down almost daily (this depends on the amount of rain you get) when the temperature reaches the mid to upper 90’s. Greenhouses can become extremely hot this time of year and soaking down the floors is a great way to cool the environment down. We can drop the temperature 15 degrees or so with a good soaking. Even if you grow indoors, plants will need some extra water too. If you grow your orchids in window sills, a couple of hot sunny days will dry them out. And even if you grow under lights, since this is the growing season, most of your plants will benefit from a little more H20 to fatten up those bulbs.David Off ( Orchidnerd.com ) is a 3rd generation grower of Waldor Orchids. ( www.waldor.com )
David co-founder of www.waldor.com & Orchidnerd.com
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