New Hampshire Orchid Society Annual Show

Friday, March 28, 1 PM to 5 PMSaturday, March 29, 9 AM to 5 PMSunday, March 30, 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday and Sunday 8 AM Photographers only will be allowed with ticket purchase - tripods need to be down by 9 AM.
We have a great schedule of speakers and educational programs again this year! All talks are free with show admissions. Check the schedule and plan accordingly.
The public is invited to join us for dinner among the orchids and award ceremony beginning with a cash bar on Saturday evening at 6:30 PM. Advance ticket purchase is required for the dinner.
LocationAdults - $10
Seniors (65+) - $8
Children 12 and under - free
College students with current college ID - free
3-Day daytime pass - $20Tickets available at the door by cash or credit card.
Tickets also available online (please bring your receipt for proof of purchase).
Courtyard Marriott, Nashua, NH
2200 Southwood Dr.
Nashua, NH
603-880-9100To make a reservation at the Courtyard Marriott, please go to: Book your group rate for the New Hampshire Orchid Society show (special group rate expires on February 12)
Show Vendors and Exhibitors
Educational Programs
We will publish our list of speakers as soon as the schedule is finalized
Information for Exhibitors
Information for Exhibitors will be available here as soon as possible
Show Schedule of Events