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MSV Orchid Show


Enjoy a display of prize-winning orchids, browse orchids available for purchase, and learn about growing and caring for orchids from the experts in the Lord Fairfax Orchid Society. Bring your problem orchids in for suggestions and have your orchid repotted (small fee). Free lectures on a variety of orchid topics will be offered each day.

Lecture Schedule:


11 a.m.: How to Grow Gorgeous Orchids with speaker Zita Winzer

12:30 p.m.: Repotting Your Orchid with speaker Heather Walsh

2 p.m.: Pest Control in Orchids with speaker Scott Kenny


11 a.m.: How to Grow in Your Home with speaker Caleb Cornwell

12:30 p.m.: Repotting Your Orchid with speaker Heather Walsh

2 p.m.: Pest Control in Orchids with speaker Scott Kenny

Free admission to the show. MSV admission fee applies to visit the galleries.

To Preorder: Beth@waldor.com  until April 15th



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